Laws of Motion Worksheet Class 11 Physics

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Laws of Motion Worksheet Class 11 Physics
Laws of Motion Worksheet Class 11 Physics

1. Is any external force required to keep a body in uniform motion ?

2. State Aristotelian law of motion. What is flaw in this law ?

3. State Galileo’s law of inertia.

4. Define the term inertia.

5. What gives the measure of inertia ?

6. Define inertial mass of a body.

7. Name the scientist who first gave the laws of motion.

8. State Newton’s first law of motion.

[Delhi 03C ; Central Schools 07]

9. A piece of cork is floating on water. What is the net force acting on it ?

10. How does Newton’s first law of motion define force ?

11. Which law of motion gives the measure of force ?

12. Name the scientist who first introduced the concept of momentum.

13. Write the dimensions of momentum.

14. What are the SI and CGS units of momentum ?

15. What is the ratio of SI to the CGS units of momentum ?

16. State Newton’s Second law of motion.

[Delhi 03 ; Central Schools 07]

17. Define one newton force. [Central Schools 13]

18. Define one dyne.

19. Write the relation between newton and dyne.

20. Is it correct to say that the second law of motion is the real law of motion ? [Delhi 15]

21. Write the second law of motion in vector form.

22. Show that if the force acting on a particle is zero, its momentum will remain unchanged. [BIT Ranchi 97]

23. The two ends of a spring balance are pulled each by a force of 10 kg wt. What will be the reading of the spring balance ?

24. A person is standing on a weighing machine placed near a door. What would be the effect on the reading of the machine if a person (i) presses the edge of the door upward (ii) pulls downwards ?

25. What are the conditions for maximum and minimum pull of a lift on a supporting cable?

26. A lift is going up with an acceleration 2 g. A man is inside the lift and his mass is m What will be the reaction of the floor on the man ?

27. Which of Newton’s laws of motion is involved in rocket propulsion ?

28. A person sitting in the compartment of a train moving with uniform speed throws a ball in the upward direction (i) What path of the ball will appear to him ? (π) What to a person standing outside ?

29. State the principle of conservation of linear momentum. [Kerala 01; Delhi 08]

30. Will the momentum remain conserved if some external force acts on the system ?

31. What is the principle of working of a rocket ?

[Delhi 10]

Laws of Motion Worksheet Class 11 Physics

32. Vehicles stop on applying brakes. Does this phenomenon violate the principle of conservation of momentum ?

33. A bomb explodes in mid-air into two equal fragments. What is the relation between the direction of motion of the two fragments ?

34. The total momentum of the universe remains constant. Is this statement true ?

35. Can a rocket operate in free space ?

36. Is impulse a scalar or vector quantity ? Write its SI unit.

37. The dimensional formula of impulse is MLT-1. Name another physical quantity having the same dimensions. [Delhi 96]

38. A bus weighing 900 kg is at rest on the bus stand. What is the linear momentum of the bus ?

[Himachal 02]

39. What is dry friction ?

40. What is wet friction ?

41. What is normal reaction ?

42. Define limiting friction. [Himachal 09]

43. Define coefficient of limiting friction.

44. What is the unit of coefficient of limiting friction. [Himachal 01]

45. Which is greater μs. or μk ?

46. Write the relation between coefficient of friction and angle of friction ?

47. What is the relation between angle of friction and angle of repose ?

48. Is rolling friction more than sliding friction ?

49. On what factors does the coefficient of friction depend ?

50. Which is greatest out of static friction, limiting friction and kinetic friction ?

51. What is the angle between frictional force and instantaneous velocity of a body moving over a rough surface ?

52. A body is just sliding down an inclined plane due to its own weight. What is the relation between angle of inclination and angle of repose ?

53. A body slides down an inclined plane having friction. Indicate the directions of the frictional force and the reaction of the plane on the body. [Manipur 99]

54. Give an example of the use of friction.

55. Does the force of friction depend on the area of contact ?

56. What is the angle of friction between two surfaces in contact if the coefficient of friction is 1/√3 ?

[Himachal 07C]

57. Define angle of friction.

[Himachal 01C ; Central Schools 07]

58. It is easier to roll a barrel than to pull it along the road. Why ? [Himachal 07]

59. Why are rockets given conical shape ?

60. Arrange μ , μ k and μ r in ascending order.

61. A body is moving along a circular path such that its speed is always constant. Should there be a force acting on the body ? [Himachal 02]

62. What provides the centripetal force to a satellite revolving around the earth ? [Punjab 91]

63. What furnishes the centripetal force for the electrons to go round the nucleus ?

64. Can a centripetal force produce rotation ?

65. Which is real among the centripetal and centripetal forces ?

66. What provides the centripetal force to a car taking a turn on a level road ? [Himachal 06]

67. Does the angle of banking depend on the mass of the vehicle ?

68. When a body moves in a circular path, which thing experiences a centrifugal force ?

69. A body is travelling with a constant speed on the circumference of a circle. Of the quantities (i) linear velocity (ii) linear acceleration (iii) acceleration towards the centre and (iv) centripetal force, which remains constant ?

70. A circus man starts down an inclined plane on his scooter. At the end of the inclined plane, there is a vertical circular arch. If he is to safely negotiate the arch, what must be his velocity at the end of the plane ?

71. How many newtons make one kg wt. ?

[Central Schools 04, 12]

72 Define impulse. [Central Schools 05 ; Himachal 09C]

73. What is difference between mN and nm ?

[Himachal 03]

74. From which Newton’s laws of motion, the definition of force comes ? [Himachal 03]

75. Give and state the SI unit of force. [Himachal 03]

76. What is friction ? [Himachal 04, 09]

77. What is the unit of coefficient of limiting friction ?

[Himachal 01]

78. What happens to coefficient of friction, when weight of body is doubled ? [Chandigarh 03]

79. What is the need of banking a circular road ?

[Delhi 09]


How does banking of roads reduce wear and tear of the tyres ? [Delhi 17]

80. Three forces start acting simultaneously on a particle moving with a velocity x). These forces are represented in magnitude and direction by three sides of a triangle taken in the same order. What now will be the velocity of the particle ? [AIEEE 03]

81. Action and reaction forces do not balance each other. Why ? [Himachal 06 ; Delhi 12]


Action and reaction are equal and opposite. Why cannot they cancel each other ?

[Central Schools 12]

82. If the net external force acting on a body is zero, then the body at rest continues to remain at rest and a body in motion continues to move with uniform motion. What is the name given to this property of the body ? [Delhi 08]

83. A tennis ball of mass ‘m’ strikes the massive wall with vel ‘v’ and traces the same path. Calculate the change in momentum. [Central Schools 08, 09]

84. What will be the maximum velocity with which a vehicle can negotatie a him of radius r safely, when the coefficient of friction between the tyres and the road is μ ? [Himachal 07]

85. Athlete runs a certain distance before long jump. Name the law that explains it. [Central Schools 07]

86. Two objects of masses 2 kg and 4 kg are having the same magnitude of momentum. Find the ratio of their speeds. [Central Schools 13]

87. Position time graph of a body of mass 1 kg is shown in the figure. Calculate net force acting on a body for the time interval 0 < t < 1 sec. [Delhi 15]

Laws of Motion Worksheet Class 11 Physics